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Family office - Succession

Family Constitution & Unity

Family constitution
Family constitution governs how committees are organized to manage the endowment of the family. It may cover aspects such as investment mandate, distributions to members, and provisions for future expenses such as education and philanthropy.
Family Unity
  • Develop a family culture based on shared values
  • Respect the family’s history and guiding principles

Risk Management

Risk Management is an essential part of corporate and family governance.
To ensure sustainability, it is important for corporates and enterprising families to understand all risks that they face and ensure a proper risk mitigation framework is in place to cover any eventuality. As your corporate and enterprising family advisor, we analyze and evaluate your risk profile, assess and identify your insurance needs, and provide solutions on how to best mitigate and manage your exposures to risks.
The combination of global life insurance and trust is a powerful and effective inheritance planning strategy & tools that provide both liquidity and control over asset allocation.